Adding 'Administrators'
How to add or upgrade a user to administrator?
Click on 'view users' and select the person who you wish to upgrade to administrator (click edit)
Define Administrators (optional)
the web portal has six security levels, as follows:
- Normal user – no admin privileges
- Department (bottom level) admin – able to manage users and training data within their department
- Location (top level) admin – able to manage users and training data within all departments within their location
Click on the Show extra Admin Levels in order to select what privileges you wish to offer your Location or Department Admin. You can select and deselect various features, the default is set to offer maximum features, however, you can change this.
- ADMINGOD – able to manage all users and training data across all locations
- REPORTSADMIN – able to view test results and risk assessments across all locations (but not perform any other admin function)
- USERADMIN – able to manage users across all locations (but not perform any other admin functions)
All users when initially registered in webPortal are assigned as normal users (no admin privileges).
webPortal gives you the facility to “de-centralise” admin responsibility as widely as you see fit. For example you might choose to define a single administrator for each location, and an additional administrator for each department within each location
To define additional administrators, select “View Users” from the admin menu. Locate the user you wish to assign admin privileges to and click “Edit”. The “Edit User Details” screen appears (see image below). Expand the organisation tree to locate the part of the organisation this user is to administer and check the box. This user is now an administrator for that area and therefore when logging on he will see an “Administration” option on his/her menu bar.
example: In the image below, 'Peter Jones' has been given multiple admin rights; all departments under Manchester, and ' Sales' only in London. His admin rights are Department and Location only, with no other features such as REPORTS ADMIN or USER ADMIN, if you wanted to upgrade Peter Jones to REPORTS OR USER ADMIN, then you would check the appropriate box from the other security levels within the same window. This permits access to ALL reports or ALL users across the whole account if you select these extra levels.
Those administrators then have the responsibility for monitoring training within their area. This takes the burden away from a single individual who would otherwise have to manage the implementation of training across a potentially vast user base.
NEW Feature: Location and Department 'Admin' restrictions!
Now you can restrict the admin levels to the above administrators by deselecting various tools and reports. Click on the Show more admin levels and from here you can uncheck from the default list any reports you dont wish to assign to your administrator.
Whichever tools you have selected to be active will show on the side nav bar when your new administrator logs in:
To assign a second ADMINGOD, then simply follow the above steps, and this time all you need do it check box the ADMINGOD option, there is no need to select locations or departments, as ADMINGOD is the top security level and overrides all others. Remember to click UPDATE