If you intend to upload your staff so that they are required to activate their own accounts then you can do so by setting up a trigger in the General Settings Tab. You must keep to the same correct location and department set up in you Upload Users template.
When you complete the template, do so as per example image below: Staff will use their email addresses as the User ID; NO Password is required at this stage (leave blank in the template) as the system will send out a mail and link asking each user to activate their account, and at the same time select their own Password.
IMPORTANT: Before uploading any staff remember to set the system to 'make email as User Login' via General Settings tab (example below)
Close up image of the same setting - below:
Now you can use the excel template if you wish to bulk upload -
Example below
Leave the highlighted fields empty; no password or User ID is required.
The User ID will be the trainees email address:
The password will be created by the user once they activate their account, which is automatically sent with instructions to do so via an email notification after you have uploaded your trainees onto the system.
Before you consider doing this to a new account, please feel free to contact our support team for help. DO NOT CHANGE TO THESE SETTINGS ON AN EXISTING ACCOUNT. Suitable for new accounts only. You can also Bulk upload users whereby you can pre select each users ID and Provide a Generic Password without setting up the 'auto' email activation link. For this option do not change any settings in the General Settings Tab.